Andreapol Air Base (RU-0005)
Andreapol, Russia
Airfields near Andreapol
- Krapivnya Airfield RU-9241
- Velikiye Luki Airport ULOL
- Rzhev Air Base RU-9937
- Khotilovo Air Base RU-0015
- Staraya Russa Airport ULNR
- Staritsa Airstrip RU-0420
- Vyazma Zapadny Airstrip RU-0236
- Zhurzhevo Air Base BY-3111
- Smolensk North Airport XUBS
- Soltsy-2 Air Base XLLL
- Borki Airfield RU-0074
- Vitebsk East Airport UMII
Airports close to Andreapol
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: RU-0005Elevation: 0ft MSL or 0m
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