Bad Neustadt/Saale-Grasberg Airport (EDFD)
Am Grasberg
97601 Bad Neustadt, Germany
97601 Bad Neustadt, Germany
- Tel: +49 (0)9771 5588
Airfields near Bad Neustadt
- Bad Kissingen Airport EDFK
- Wasserkuppe Airport EDER
- Schweinfurt-Süd Airport EDFS
- Lager Hammelburg Airport EDFJ
- Haßfurt-Schweinfurt Airport EDQT
- Suhl-Goldlauter Airport EDQS
- Coburg-Brandensteinsebene Airfield EDQC
- Coburg-Steinrücken Airfield EDQY
- Fulda-Jossa Airport EDGF
- Würzburg-Schenkenturm Airport EDFW
- Lichtenfels Airport EDQL
- Bamberg-Breitenau Airport ETEJ
Airports close to Bad Neustadt
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: EDFDElevation: 997ft MSL or 304m
Exhibition Centres in Bad Neustadt
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