Barnwell Regional Airport (KBNL)
Barnwell, USA
Airfields near Barnwell
- Sugar Hill Airport SC01
- Bamberg County Airport K99N
- Allendale County Airport K88J
- Wade Plantation Airport GA88
- Rhodes Air Ranch Airport 3GA7
- Wexford Landing Airport 4SC7
- Ehrhardt Airport SC35
- Moccasin Creek Airport 51SC
- Broxton Bridge Plantation Airport SC55
- Shiloh Plantation Airport SC69
- Dry Swamp Airport 1DS
- Harman Airport SC20
Airports close to Barnwell
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: KBNLElevation: 246ft MSL or 75m
Exhibition Centres in Barnwell
3 hotels from 2 to 2 stars between 65,72 and 87,30 euros at a distance of 1.89 km to 2.91 km.
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Days Inn by Wyndham Barnwell
from 87,30 EUR
per room and night
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