Bickel's Cow Patch Airport (II17)
Knox, USA
Airfields near Knox
- Smitty's Soaring Airport 67IN
- Van De Mark Airport 1II5
- Wilson Airport IN86
- I & C Field IN54
- Wheeler Airport 3C5
- Wheeler Airport IG05
- Singleton's Landing Strip IN87
- H.J.Umbaugh Airport IN74
- Starke County Airport KOXI
- Fleet Field IN73
- Winn Field 37II
- Graves Landing Strip 0IN3
Airports close to Knox
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: II17Elevation: 720ft MSL or 220m
Exhibition Centres in Knox
1 hotels from 4 to 4 stars between 174,59 and 174,59 euros at a distance of 18.56 km to 18.56 km.
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