Bloecher Farm Airport (92NY)
East Aurora, USA
Airfields near East Aurora
- Treichler Farm Airport 5NK9
- Fisher Airport 95NY
- Donnelly's Airport NK12
- Roberts Roost Airport NK81
- Gentzke Aeronautical Park Airport NY40
- Hilltop Airport 3NY9
- High Acres Airport 85NY
- Keysa Airport NY79
- East Arcade Airport NY04
- Arcade Tri County Airport KD23
- Knox Landing Airport 15NK
- Basher Field NY00
Airports close to East Aurora
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: 92NYElevation: 1430ft MSL or 436m
Exhibition Centres in East Aurora
1 hotels from 3 to 3 stars between 198,93 and 198,93 euros at a distance of 12.83 km to 12.83 km.
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