Bourges Airport (BOU)
Rue Pierre Latécoère
18000 Nevers, France
18000 Nevers, France
Airfields near Nevers
- Châteauneuf Sur Cher Airport LFFU
- Vierzon Méreau Airport LFFV
- Issoudun Le Fay Airport LFEK
- Aubigny-sur-Nère Airport LFEH
- Châteauroux-Déols 'Marcel Dassault' Airport LFLX
- Cosne Sur Loire Airport LFGH
- Nevers-Fourchambault Airport LFQG
- Lurcy-Lévis Airport LFJU
- Romorantin Pruniers Airport LFYR
- Châteauroux Villers Airport LFEJ
- Briare Chatillon Airport LFEI
- Lamotte Beuvron Airport LFFM
Airports close to Nevers
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: LFLD IATA: BOUElevation: 529ft MSL or 161m
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