Changzhoudao Airport (WUZ)
Wuzhou, China
Airfields near Wuzhou
- Guiping Mengshu Air Base CN-0063
- Guangzhou Shadi Air Base CN-0061
- Bailian Airport ZGZH
- Guangzhou East Airfield CN-0059
- Suixi Air Base CN-0080
- Zhanjiang Airport ZGZJ
- Zhuhai Airport ZGSD
- Shaoguan Air Base CN-0079
Airports close to Wuzhou
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: ZGWZ IATA: WUZElevation: 89ft MSL or 27m
Exhibition Centres in Wuzhou
13 hotels from 2 to 4 stars between 10,25 and 31,40 euros at a distance of 2.41 km to 8.27 km.
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Wuzhou Guishan Business Hotel
from 17,77 EUR
per room and night
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