Connelly Field (18SC)
Newberry, USA
Airfields near Newberry
- Sexton Airport 19SC
- Newberry County Airport KEOE
- Thomason Airfield SC56
- Ridgewood Air Airport 2SC5
- Laurens County Airport KLUX
- Carolina Cow Country Airport 17SC
- Greenwood County Airport KGRD
- Saluda County Airport K6J4
- Southern Aero Sports Airport 16SC
- Shealy Airport SC14
- Union County, Troy Shelton Field K35A
- The Farm Airport 24SC
Airports close to Newberry
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: 18SCElevation: 570ft MSL or 174m
Exhibition Centres in Newberry
1 hotels from 2 to 2 stars between 67,95 and 67,95 euros at a distance of 18.49 km to 18.49 km.
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Days Inn by Wyndham Newberry
from 67,95 EUR
per room and night
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Days Inn by Wyndham Newberry
from 67,95 EUR
per room and night
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Our hotel recommendations are calculated according to price, evaluation and distance.