Converse Airport (1I8)
Converse, USA
Airfields near Converse
- Shinn Bone Lane Airport IN35
- Kokomo Municipal Airport KOKK
- Dupouy Airport 3IN2
- Fowler Field /Private/ Airport 62IN
- Fox Station Airport 78II
- Marion Municipal Airport KMZZ
- Goodenough Airport 83IN
- Wabash Municipal Airport KIWH
- Caldwell Field 54II
- Rockey's Air Strip II10
- Salsbery Airport II70
- Robison Airport IN33
Airports close to Converse
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: 1I8Elevation: 840ft MSL or 256m
Exhibition Centres in Converse
3 hotels from 2 to 3 stars between 65,28 and 210,36 euros at a distance of 18.25 km to 19.21 km.
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Holiday Inn Express & Suites MARION
from 210,36 EUR
per room and night
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IN Red Roof Inn Marion
from 65,28 EUR
per room and night
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Our hotel recommendations are calculated according to price, evaluation and distance.