Cotopaxi International Airport (LTX)
Latacunga, Ecuador
Airfields near Latacunga
- Chachoán Airport SEAM
- Cotachachi Airport SEHI
- Chimborazo Airport SERB
- Los Perez Airport SEPZ
- Mariscal Sucre International Airport SEQU
- Mayor Galo Torres Airport SETE
- Quevedo North Airport SE15
- Rio Amazonas Airport SESM
- El Vergel Airport SEVR
- Quevedo Airport SEQE
- Buena Fe Airport SEBF
- Ascazubi Airport SEAS
Airports close to Latacunga
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: SELT IATA: LTXElevation: 9205ft MSL or 2808m
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