Dague Strip (II12)
Rochester, USA
Airfields near Rochester
- Friedrich Airport II15
- Plummer Airport IN10
- Fulton County Airport KRCR
- Winn Field 37II
- Arens Field KRWN
- Ddt Field 3IN8
- Peru Municipal Airport KI76
- Logansport Cass County Airport KGGP
- Woodcock Airport II05
- Fleet Field IN73
- Graves Landing Strip 0IN3
- Rush Strip IN34
Airports close to Rochester
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: II12Elevation: 790ft MSL or 241m
Exhibition Centres in Rochester
2 hotels from 2 to 2 stars between 87,99 and 106,87 euros at a distance of 16.25 km to 16.35 km.
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Super 8 by Wyndham Rochester
from 87,99 EUR
per room and night
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