Edgefield County Airport (6J6)
Johnston, USA
Airfields near Johnston
- Twin Lakes Airport KS17
- Aiken Municipal Airport KAIK
- Saluda County Airport K6J4
- Harman Airport SC20
- House Movers Field SC46
- Wexford Landing Airport 4SC7
- Daniel Field KDNL
- The Farm Airport 24SC
- Eagles Nest-Fairview Airpark SC23
- Gilbert International Airport SC45
- Mc Cormick County Airport KS19
- Whiteplains Airport SC99
Airports close to Johnston
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: 6J6Elevation: 610ft MSL or 186m
Exhibition Centres in Johnston
6 hotels from 2 to 2 stars between 59,79 and 91,25 euros at a distance of 9.47 km to 19.81 km.
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Days Inn by Wyndham Aiken - Interstate Hwy 20
from 70,47 EUR
per room and night
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