Greenwoods Airfield (VT38)
Rouses Point, USA
Airfields near Rouses Point
- Franklin County State Airport KFSO
- Northern Lights Airport VT46
- Hawk's Nest Airport 88VT
- St Jean Airport CYJN
- Savage Island Airport VT15
- Farnham Airport CSN7
- Vasile Field NY60
- Shaw Meadow Airport VT52
- Allenholm Airport VT26
- Plattsburgh International Airport KPBG
- Mountain View Airpark 4NY0
- Northway Airport NY97
Airports close to Rouses Point
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: VT38Elevation: 179ft MSL or 55m
Exhibition Centres in Rouses Point
1 hotels from 3 to 3 stars between 113,39 and 113,39 euros at a distance of 11.17 km to 11.17 km.
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L'Auberge du Lac Champlain Chalet et Spa
from 113,39 EUR
per room and night
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L'Auberge du Lac Champlain Chalet et Spa
from 113,39 EUR
per room and night
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Our hotel recommendations are calculated according to price, evaluation and distance.