Hensley Airpark (04TN)
Tusculum, USA
Airfields near Tusculum
- Greeneville Greene County Municipal Airport KGCY
- Murphy Field 17TN
- Pensinger Airport TN99
- Roach Farm Airport 65TN
- Srigley Field Airstrip 75TN
- Flaglor Airport 8TN4
- Wolf Ridge Airport 33NR
- Mc Afee Stol Patch STOLport TN62
- Hawkins County Airport KRVN
- Darnell's Landings Airport 45TN
- Darnell's Field 77TN
- Kite Field 97TN
Airports close to Tusculum
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: 04TNElevation: 1430ft MSL or 436m
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