Hingurakgoda Air Force Base (MNH)
Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka
Airfields near Polonnaruwa
- Sigiriya Air Force Base VCCS
- China Bay Airport VCCT
- Anuradhapura Air Force Base VCCA
- Batticaloa Airport VCCB
- Vavuniya Airport VCCV
- Amparai Airport VCCG
- Colombo Ratmalana Airport VCCC
- Katukurunda Air Force Base VCCN
- Kankesanturai Airport VCCJ
- Koggala Airport VCCK
- Ramnad Naval Air Station VORM
Airports close to Polonnaruwa
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: VCCH IATA: MNHElevation: 170ft MSL or 52m
Exhibition Centres in Polonnaruwa
4 hotels from 3 to 3 stars between 14,89 and 533,40 euros at a distance of 8.85 km to 12.04 km.
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EKHO Lake House Polonnaruwa
from 533,40 EUR
per room and night
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EKHO Lake House Polonnaruwa
from 533,40 EUR
per room and night
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Our hotel recommendations are calculated according to price, evaluation and distance.