Hyakuri Airport (RJAH)
Okunoya, Japan
Airfields near Okunoya
- Kasumigaura Airport RJAK
- Shimofusa Airport RJTL
- Utsunomiya Airport RJTU
- Iruma Air Base RJTJ
- Chofu Airport RJTF
- Kisarazu Airport RJTK
- Tachikawa Airfield RJTC
- Fukushima Airport RJSF
- Atsugi Naval Air Facility RJTA
- Tateyama Airport RJTE
- Sendai Airport RJSS
- Matsumoto Airport RJAF
Airports close to Okunoya
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: RJAHElevation: 105ft MSL or 32m
Exhibition Centres in Okunoya
3 hotels from 3 to 4 stars between 54,30 and 61,70 euros at a distance of 11.38 km to 18.43 km.
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Route Inn Mito Kenchomae
from 54,30 EUR
per room and night
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Route Inn Mito Kenchomae
from 54,30 EUR
per room and night
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Our hotel recommendations are calculated according to price, evaluation and distance.