Korpikyulya Airfield (RU-0075)
Maloye Verevo, Russia
Airfields near Maloye Verevo
- Pushkin Airport ULLP
- Gorelovo Air Base RU-0845
- Sivoritsy Airfield RU-0077
- Siversky Air Base ULLS
- Gostilitsy Airfield RU-0073
- Seltso Airfield RU-0155
- Manushkino Airfield RU-0070
- Kuznetsovo Airfield RU-0079
- Gorskaya Airfield RU-0072
- Levashovo Air Base RU-0001
- Kronshtadt Airfield RU-0068
- Kasimovo Airfield XLLN
Airports close to Maloye Verevo
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: RU-0075Elevation: 0ft MSL or 0m
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