La Nava-Corral de Ayllón Airport (LECA)
40529 Alcobendas, Spain
40529 Alcobendas, Spain
Airfields near Alcobendas
- Santo Tome Del Puerto Airport LETP
- Robledillo de Mohernando Airport LERM
- Madrigalejo del Monte Airport LEJO
- Fuentemilanos Airport LEFM
- Garray Airport LEGY
- Madrid-Torrejón Airport LETO
- Mojados Airport LE83
- Campolara Airport LECX
- Burgos Airport LEBG
- E. Castellanos-Villacastín Airport LEEV
- Madrid-Cuatro Vientos Airport LECU
- Valladolid Airport LEVD
Airports close to Alcobendas
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: LECAElevation: 3280ft MSL or 1000m
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