Mohamed Boudiaf International Airport (CZL)
Constantine, Algeria
Airfields near Constantine
- Telerghma Airport DAAM
- Batna Airport DABT
- Oum el Bouaghi airport DABO
- Jijel Ferhat Abbas Airport DAAV
- Ain Arnat Airport DAAS
- Annaba Airport DABB
- Soummam Airport DAAE
- Cheikh Larbi Tébessi Airport DABS
- Biskra Airport DAUB
- Tabarka 7 Novembre Airport DTKA
- Gafsa Ksar International Airport DTTF
Airports close to Constantine
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: DABC IATA: CZLElevation: 2265ft MSL or 691m
Exhibition Centres in Constantine
3 hotels from 3 to 5 stars between 45,01 and 133,63 euros at a distance of 7.91 km to 10.01 km.
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Constantine Marriott Hotel
Constantine Province
from 133,63 EUR
per room and night
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