Montendre Marcillac Airport (LFDC)
231 Le Bijou
33860 Cenon, France
33860 Cenon, France
Airfields near Cenon
- Jonzac Neulles Airport LFCJ
- Pons Avy Airport LFCP
- Lesparre St Laurent Medoc Airport LFDU
- Chalais Airport LFIH
- Libourne-Artigues-de-Lussac Airport LFDI
- Bordeaux Yvrac Airport LFDY
- Saintes Thénac Airport LFXB
- Vendays Montalivet Airport LFIV
- Bordeaux Souge Airport LFDO
- Soulac Sur Mer Airport LFDK
- Ribérac St Aulaye Airport LFIK
- Royan-Médis Airport LFCY
Airports close to Cenon
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: LFDCElevation: 148ft MSL or 45m
Exhibition Centres in Cenon
2 hotels from 3 to 4 stars between 90,24 and 204,00 euros at a distance of 14.21 km to 15.01 km.
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TO BE DELETED Chateau de Mirambeau
from 204,00 EUR
per room and night
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Hôtel la Tour Perrier
from 90,24 EUR
per room and night
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Our hotel recommendations are calculated according to price, evaluation and distance.