Mysterious Valley Airport (20CL)
Hidden Valley Lake, USA
Airfields near Hidden Valley Lake
- Pope Valley Airport 05CL
- 7-M Ranch Airport 81CA
- Angwin Parrett Field K2O3
- G3 Ranch Airport 63CL
- Mc Cabe Ranch Airport 2CL2
- Graywood Ranch Airport CA39
- Blake Sky Park Airport CA57
- Allan Ranch Flight Park Ultralightport CL36
- Watts Woodland Airport KO41
- Antelope Valley Ranch Airport 4CL3
- Charles M. Schulz Sonoma County Airport KSTS
- Healdsburg Municipal Airport O31
Airports close to Hidden Valley Lake
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: 20CLElevation: 1410ft MSL or 430m
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