Santa Lucia Air Force Base (MMSM)
Paseos de San Juan, Mexico
Airfields near Paseos de San Juan
- Tizayuca Airport MM28
- Atizapan De Zaragoza Airport MMJC
- Ingeniero Juan Guillermo Villasana Airport MMPC
- Licenciado Adolfo Lopez Mateos International Airport MMTO
- Ixmiquilpan Airport MM61
- Tlaxcala Airport MMTA
- Hermanos Serdán International Airport MMPB
- General Mariano Matamoros Airport MMCB
- Querétaro Intercontinental Airport MMQT
- El TajÃn National Airport MMPA
- General Francisco J. Mujica International Airport MMMM
- Captain Rogelio Castillo National Airport MMCY
Airports close to Paseos de San Juan
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: MMSMElevation: 0ft MSL or 0m
Exhibition Centres in Paseos de San Juan
2 hotels from 2 to 3 stars between 30,10 and 62,31 euros at a distance of 18.24 km to 19.54 km.
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Hotel Teotihuacan
Teotihuacán Municipality
from 62,31 EUR
per room and night
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Telpochcalli Hotel & Temazcal
Teotihuacán Municipality
from 30,10 EUR
per room and night
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Telpochcalli Hotel & Temazcal
Teotihuacán Municipality
from 30,10 EUR
per room and night
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Our hotel recommendations are calculated according to price, evaluation and distance.