Hotels near Santa Marta Airport (MRSM)

Daten und Fakten

Elevation: 417ft MSL or 127m

Exhibition Centres in Orotina

3 hotels from 3 to 5 stars between 130,29 and 583,86 euros at a distance of 9.97 km to 19.98 km.

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Hotel Iguana Verde Orotina
9.97 kilometres
from 148,28 EUR
per room and night
show offer
Villa Lapas Jungle Village Herradura
17.76 kilometres
from 130,29 EUR
per room and night
show offer
The Retreat Costa Rica - Wellness Resort & Spa Atenas
19.98 kilometres
from 583,86 EUR
per room and night
show offer

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hotels from to stars between and euros at a distance of km to km.

Our recommendation:
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The Retreat Costa Rica - Wellness Resort & Spa Atenas
19.98 kilometres
from 583,86 EUR
per room and night
show offer

Our hotel recommendations are calculated according to price, evaluation and distance.