Seltsy Airfield (RU-0368)
Beloomut, Russia
Airfields near Beloomut
- Beloomut Airfield RU-0367
- Dyagilevo Air Base UUBD
- Tretyakovo Airport UUMT
- Turlatovo Airport UUWR
- Korobcheyevo Airfield RU-0226
- Alexandrovo Air Base RU-0003
- Panino Airstrip RU-0412
- Severka Airfield UUML
- Yegoryevsk Airfield RU-0248
- Voskresensk Airstrip RU-0359
- Morozovo Airstrip RU-0429
- Stupino Airfield UUMI
Airports close to Beloomut
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: RU-0368Elevation: 0ft MSL or 0m
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