Sukhothai Airport (THS)
Sawankhalok, Thailand
Airfields near Sawankhalok
- Uttaradit Airport VTPU
- Phitsanulok Airport VTPP
- Tak Airport VTPT
- Khunan Phumipol Airport VTPY
- Phrae Airport VTCP
- Lampang Airport VTCL
- Mae Sot Airport VTPM
- Sak Long Airport VTPL
- Phetchabun Airport VTPB
- Nakhon Sawan Airport VTPN
- Nan Airport VTCN
- Loei Airport VTUL
Airports close to Sawankhalok
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: VTPO IATA: THSElevation: 179ft MSL or 55m
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