Summey Airpark (8NC2)
Forest City, USA
Airfields near Forest City
- Boomerang Airport NC02
- State Line Ultraport/Flightpark Ultralightport SC10
- La Dolce Terra Airport 38SC
- 29NC Airport 29NC
- Davis Field SC88
- Shelby-Cleveland County Regional Airport KEHO
- Clute's Hilltop Airport 69NC
- Gaffney Airport 46SC
- Rutherford Co Marchman Field KFQD
- Wheat Field 56NC
- Fox Haven Plantation STOLport 58NC
- Dirt Dobber's Grass Strip NC97
Airports close to Forest City
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: 8NC2Elevation: 1000ft MSL or 305m
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