Thayer Aviation Airport (53CN)
Arbuckle, USA
Airfields near Arbuckle
- Farnsworth Ranch Airstrip 35CN
- Sanborn Airport 38CN
- Moronis Airport 92CL
- Colusa County Airport KO08
- Mc Cabe Ranch Airport 2CL2
- Vanderford Ranch Company Airport CA73
- Davis Airport 67CL
- Williams Gliderport CN12
- Sutter County Airport KO52
- Wagner Aviation Airport CA18
- Yuba County Airport KMYV
- Bowles Airport 18CL
Airports close to Arbuckle
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: 53CNElevation: 54ft MSL or 16m
Exhibition Centres in Arbuckle
2 hotels from 2 to 2 stars between 89,04 and 98,93 euros at a distance of 16.95 km to 17.3 km.
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Colusa Riverside Inn
Live Oak
from 98,93 EUR
per room and night
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Our hotel recommendations are calculated according to price, evaluation and distance.