Trastenik Airport (BG-0015)
Dve Mogili, Bulgaria
Airfields near Dve Mogili
- Dve Mogili Airport BG-0013
- Vardim Airport BG-0006
- Maslarevo Airport LB29
- Ryakhovo Airport BG-0014
- Svishtov Airport BG-0005
- Gorna Oryahovitsa Airport LBGO
- Levski Airport LB31
- Bukhovtsi Airfield LBTG
- Kamenets Airport LB42
- Milkovitsa Airport BG-0011
- Grivitsa Airport LBGR
- Aurel Vlaicu International Airport Bucarest-Băneasa LRBS
Airports close to Dve Mogili
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: BG-0015Elevation: 450ft MSL or 137m
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