Waltenberry Field Ultralightport (13AZ)
Tonopah, USA
Airfields near Tonopah
- Tonopah Airport AZ85
- Mauldin Airstrip 56AZ
- Buckeye Municipal Airport KBXK
- Pierce Airport 10AZ
- Gila Compressor Station Airport 30AZ
- Coyner Airstrip AZ60
- Eagletail Ranch Airport 99AZ
- Ranta Strip 12AZ
- Thunder Ridge Airpark AZ28
- Roesner Ranch Airport AZ32
- Castle Well Airport 0AZ5
- Phoenix Goodyear Airport KGYR
Airports close to Tonopah
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: 13AZElevation: 1213ft MSL or 370m
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