Kirk Air Base (T73)
Elgin, USA
Airfields near Elgin
- Unity Aerodrome SC76
- Lancaster County-Mc Whirter Field KLKR
- Hawks Meadow Airport 07NC
- Jaars Townsend Airport KN52
- Bermuda High Gliderport SC79
- Lathan Strip 5NC2
- Pageland Airport KPYG
- Aero Plantation Airport NC21
- Brown Field 46NC
- Hawk's Knoll Airport 2NC1
- Charlotte-Monroe Executive Airport KEQY
- Country Squire Airport SC67
Airports close to Elgin
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: T73Elevation: 578ft MSL or 176m
Exhibition Centres in Elgin
3 hotels from 2 to 2 stars between 53,94 and 94,04 euros at a distance of 10.79 km to 12.73 km.
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Super 8 by Wyndham Lancaster
from 74,87 EUR
per room and night
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