Phayao Ban Chiang Kham Airport (VTCB)
Chiang Kham, Thailand
Airfields near Chiang Kham
- Chiang Rai Airport VTCR
- Chiang Rai International Airport VTCT
- Ban Huoeisay Airport VLHS
- Nan Airport VTCN
- Tachileik Airport VYTL
- Phrae Airport VTCP
- Sayaboury Airport VLSB
- Lampang Airport VTCL
- Mae Hong Son Airport VTCI
- Luang Namtha Airport VLLN
- Luang Phabang International Airport VLLB
- Uttaradit Airport VTPU
Airports close to Chiang Kham
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: VTCBElevation: 1272ft MSL or 388m
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