Baby Expo Kiev
04. - 05. May 2025 | Fair for baby and children's equipment

Baby Expo is a fair for baby and children's equipment. The exhibition presents new products for babies and young children. In this exhibition visitors will find clothes, books, gifts and food. The fair is the ideal exhibition for expectant mothers, families and children, because here they can find assistance and information.
The Baby Expo will take place on 2 days from Sunday, 04. May to Monday, 05. May 2025 in Kiev.
04.05.2025 - 05.05.2025*
Sunday - Monday, 2 days
publicly accessible
Local time:
09:51 h (UTC +02:00)
Fair location:
ACCO International Exhibition Hall,40-B, Peremohy Ave, 03680 Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
for trade fair date in Kiev
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Acco International
40-B, Peremogy Ave.
03680 Kiev, Ukraine
Tel: +38 (0)44 4563804
Fax: +38 (0)44 4563804
Display e-mail address
22. - 24. February 2022
10. - 12. March 2021
10. - 13. March 2020
26. - 29. March 2019
03. - 06. April 2018
- 306 exhibitors
- 6521 visitors
21. - 24. March 2017
- 302 exhibitors
- 7390 visitors
22. - 25. March 2016
- 292 exhibitors
- 6642 visitors
17. - 20. March 2015
- 193 exhibitors
- 5217 visitors
09. - 12. September 2014
Fair location:
ACCO International Exhibition Hall,40-B, Peremohy Ave, 03680 Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
for trade fair date in Kiev
Product groups: baby care items, baby clothes, Baby equipment, baby food, children's clothing, children's room furniture, children's shoes, toys, …
Disclaimer: No responsibility is taken for the correctness of this information. Errors and alterations excepted! Fair dates and exhibition sites are subject to change by the respective trade fair organiser.
Trade show suppliers
Where does the Baby Expo taking place?
The Baby Expo fair takes place in Kiev, at the ACCO International Exhibition Hall.
When is the Baby Expo taking place?
Visit the Baby Expo from 04. - 05. May 2025.
How often does the Baby Expo take place?
The Baby Expo takes place annually.
What kind of fair is the Baby Expo?
The Baby Expo is an exhibition for Baby, Child facilities and Children's Fashion.