Bar Sur Seine Airport (LFFR)
La Plaine de Celles
10110 Troyes, France
10110 Troyes, France
Airfields near Troyes
- Châtillon Sur Seine Airport LFQH
- Juvancourt Airport LFQX
- Brienne-le-Château Airport LFFN
- Troyes-Barberey Airport LFQB
- Chaumont-Semoutiers Airport LFJA
- St Florentin Cheu Airport LFGP
- Chailley Airport LFJM
- Chaumont Airport LFSY
- Joinville Mussey Airport LFFJ
- Semur En Auxois Airport LFGQ
- Langres Rolampont Airport LFSU
- Romilly Sur Seine Airport LFQR
Airports close to Troyes
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: LFFRElevation: 938ft MSL or 286m
Exhibition Centres in Troyes
3 hotels from 3 to 3 stars between 98,10 and 130,04 euros at a distance of 9.39 km to 19.53 km.
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Le Val Moret Hôtel Restaurant
from 121,90 EUR
per room and night
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