Bhojpur Airport (BHP)
Bhojpur, Nepal
Airfields near Bhojpur
- Tumling Tar Airport VNTR
- Lukla Airport VNLK
- Rajbiraj Airport VNRB
- Biratnagar Airport VNVT
- Ramechhap Airport VNRC
- Bhadrapur Airport VNCG
- Janakpur Airport VNJP
- Bagdogra Airport VEBD
- Pakyong Airport (Under Construction) IN-0012
- Darbhanga Airport VE89
- Purnea Airport VEPU
- Tribhuvan International Airport VNKT
Airports close to Bhojpur
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: VNBJ IATA: BHPElevation: 4000ft MSL or 1220m
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