Dobova Airfield (SI-0001)
Brežice, Slovenia
Airfields near Brežice
- Cerklje Airport LJCE
- Lučko Airport LDZL
- Novo Mesto Airport LJNM
- Prilozje - Metlika SI-0005
- Buševec Velika Glider Airport LDZB
- Celje Glider Airport LJCL
- Ptuj Airport LJPT
- Maribor Airport LJMB
- Ula Novi Lazi SI-0006
- Varaždin Airport LDVA
- Velenje Airport LJVE
- Močna 'Jurkovič' Airfield SI-0008
Airports close to Brežice
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: SI-0001Elevation: 0ft MSL or 0m
Exhibition Centres in Brežice
3 hotels from 3 to 4 stars between 79,00 and 145,00 euros at a distance of 14.03 km to 15.03 km.
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Santiny Hotel & Restaurant
Sveta Nedelja
from 124,00 EUR
per room and night
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