Koronowo Highway Strip (PL-0022)
Koronowo, Poland
Airfields near Koronowo
- Bydgoszcz-Biedaszkowo Airport EPBD
- Bydgoszcz Ignacy Jan Paderewski Airport EPBY
- Watorowo Airport PL-0062
- Osie (Lipinki) Highway Strip PL-0029
- Torun Airport EPTO
- Debrzno (SÅ‚upia) Highway Strip PL-0016
- Inowrocław-Latkowo Airport EPIR
- Inowroclaw Glider Airport EPIN
- Grudziadz Lisie Airport EPGI
- Brzezie Highway Strip PL-0014
- Piła Airport EPPI
- Bednary Air Base PL-0001
Airports close to Koronowo
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: PL-0022Elevation: 305ft MSL or 93m
Exhibition Centres in Koronowo
5 hotels from 3 to 3 stars between 26,90 and 71,47 euros at a distance of 11.01 km to 19.41 km.
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Park Hotel Tryszczyn
from 44,12 EUR
per room and night
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