Płock Airport (EPPL)
ul. Bielska 60, skr. pocztowa 46
09-400 Lodz, Poland
09-400 Lodz, Poland
- Tel: +48 (0)24 3663534
- Fax: +48 (0)24 3663534
Airfields near Lodz
- Włocławek-Kruszyn International Airport EPWK
- Kroczewo Airport PL-0047
- Modlin Airport EPMO
- Chrcynno Airport PL-0008
- Babice Airport EPBC
- Aleksandrów Łódzki Airport PL-0035
- Torun Airport EPTO
- Przasnysz Airport PL-0055
- Łódź-Lublinek Airport EPLL
- Inowrocław-Latkowo Airport EPIR
- Inowroclaw Glider Airport EPIN
- Międzylesie Airport PL-0050
Airports close to Lodz
Daten und Fakten
ICAO: EPPLElevation: 331ft MSL or 101m
Exhibition Centres in Lodz
6 hotels from 2 to 4 stars between 29,83 and 95,22 euros at a distance of 2.28 km to 8.55 km.
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Czardasz SPA&Wellness
from 86,14 EUR
per room and night
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