Scent Marketing & Fragrance Marketing – Fragrance Machines

The sense of smell is often neglected in advertising and yet it can be used effectively for the promotion. Scents usually act subconsciously and arouse emotions that no one can escape from. But scent marketing is more than the optimization of the smell of a product itself. Even a room’s fragrance can be influenced, for example in shops or at events. Everyone knows the scent of freshly baked bread rolls at the bakery - but the possibilities go far beyond this and include the sale of clothing, technology and much more. Subtle and subliminal scents are often more successful than very intense odors. Scent Marketing is offered as a service of very specialized agencies. They create perfumes, give advice on perfuming rooms and carry it out themselves using essential oils for example. Moreover, the scent marketing includes services such as air purification and odor removal.

Operational area: worldwide
Operational area: local