Exhibition freight forwarding companies and exhibition logistics

Exhibition freight forwarding companies are very familiar to the special characteristics of the fair business like its particular demands and challenges. For successful trade fair logistics, punctuality is even more essential than for the usual freight forwarding. Like other companies that work on trade fairs, exhibition freight forwarders must be able to cope with high pressure due to dead lines. In addition to perfectly mastering the trade and the processing of the daily business, fantasy and improvisation skills are necessary, too. Europe-wide and worldwide logistics requires creative entrepreneurship that can adjust quickly to new places and environments. It’s an exhibition freight forwarder’s job to handle national and international truck, air and sea routes or import and customs regulations, too. They often expand their business with additional branches and offices at exposed fair locations.

Operational area: Europe-wide
Operational area: worldwide
Operational area: worldwide
Operational area: worldwide
Operational area: worldwide
Operational area: worldwide
Operational area: countrywide