Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
ul. Wolchonka 12
121019 Moscow, Russia
121019 Moscow, Russia
- Tel: +7 495 697-95-78
- www.museum.ru
Sights & Attractions in Moscow
- Bolshoi Theatre
- Moscow Art Theatre
- Red Square (Krásnaya plóshchad)
- State Historical Museum
- Maly Theatre
- Moscow State Circus
- Museum of Cosmonautics
- Tretyakov Gallery
- Polytechnical Museum
- Paleontological Museum
- Kremlin
- Cathedral of the Archangel
- Gorky Park
- Television Tower
- Helikon-Opera
- Novaya Opera Theatre
- Théâtre Musical Stanislavsky
- St. Basil's Cathedral
- Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
- Dormition Cathedral
- Kazan Cathedral
- Cathedral of the Annunciation (Blagoveschensky sobor)
- Church of the Deposition of the Robe of the Holy Virgin
- Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Holy Virgin Mary
- Yelokhovo Cathedral
- Tverskaya Street Shopping District
- All Saints Church Wsechswjatskoje
- Church of the Credulous Princes Boris and Gleb on Degunin
- Church of the Resurrection of Christ Sheremetyevo
- Birth of Christ Church Tscherkisowo
- Church of of the Martyr George the Victorious at Koptewo
- Church of the Mother of God Icon of Vatopedi
- Church of the Virgin Mary icon from the Drawing at Aksinjino
- Church of the Virgin Mary Icon from the Drawing at Chowrino
- Church of the Annunciation at Petrovsky Park
- Church of the Holy Bishop Mitrofan of Voronezh
- Church of the Holy Trinity at Ostankino
- Church of the Holy Trinity at Swiblow
- Church of the Icon of Our Lady of Tikhvin at Alexejewskoje
- Exaltation of the Cross Church Altufyevo
- Nativity of the Virgin Church at Wladykino
- Protection and Intercession of Mary Church Medvedkovo
- Church of St. Nicholas at Otradnoye
- Church of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh at Bibirevo
- Church of the Credulous Prince Alexander Nevsky at Koschuchowo
- Church of the Resurrection of Christ Sokolniki
- Birth of Christ Church Izmailovo
- Church of the Martyr Dimitrios of Thessaloniki Blaguscha
- Church of the Martyr Dimitrios of Thessaloniki Blaguscha
- Holy Trinity Church at St. Vladimir Children's Hospital
- Intercession Church at Izmailovo
- Church of St. Nicholas in the Kremlin in Izmailovo
- Church of St. Tikhon of Sadonsk at Sokolniki
- Holy Trinity Church at Karatscharowo
- Cathedral of the Virgin Mary Icon of Iviron at St. Nicholas Monastery of Pererwa
- Church of the Virgin Mary Icon
- Mat Maryam Church
- Church of St. Nicholas in the Nicholas Monastery of Pererva
- Church of St. Nicholas at the Rogoschskoje Cemetery
- Church of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh at Rjasanka
- Church of Our Lady of Remembrance in Jerusalem at the Saltykov-bridge
- Ascension Church of Kolomenskoye
- Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in the Danilov Monastery
- Church of the Holy Trinity at the Borisov Ponds
- Little Cathedral of the Icon of Our Lady of the Don in the Donskoy Monastery
- Great Cathedral of the Icon of Our Lady of the Don in the Donskoy Monastery
- Church of the Icon of Our Lady of Kazan at Kolomenskoye
- Church of the Virgin Mary Icon with the Orb at Tschertanowo
- Church of the Icon of Our Lady of Tikhvin in the Former Simonov Monastery
- Church of the Deposition of the Robe in Donskaya
- Church of St. Nicholas at Saburov
- Church of the Credulous Dukes Boris and Gleb at Sjusino
- Church of the Holy Trinity at Staryj Cheryomushki
- Church of the Holy Trinity on the Sparrow Hills
- Church of the Transfiguration at Peredelkino
- Temple of St. George the Victorious on Poklonnaya Hill
- Church of St. John the Russian at Kunzewo
- Intercession Church in Fili
- Church of the Archangel Michael to Troparjowo
- Redeemer Church at the Setun
- Church of St. Nicholas at Trojekurowo
- Church of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh at Solnzewo
- Church of the Holy Trinity at Troezen-Lykowo
- Tushino Church of Transfiguration
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Sights & Attractions in MoscowAirports close to Moscow
- Sheremetyevo International Airport SVO
- Chkalovskiy Airport
- Ramenskoye Airport
- Domodedovo International Airport DME
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