JuBi Essen
| Fair for student exchanges, High School, Education, internships and Au Pair | regional Fair

The Jubi Fair, also known as the Youth Education Fair, is a pivotal educational event hosted at the Grashof Gymnasium in Essen. Formerly referred to as the Gymnasium at Grashofstraße, the Grashof Gymnasium is a renowned educational institution situated in the Bredeney district. It's easily accessible by car and bicycle, with plenty of parking facilities available nearby for convenience. The Jubi Fair is organized by 'Weltweiser', a non-profit organization committed to advancing educational and informational opportunities for young individuals.
The JuBi in Essen took place on Saturday, 31. August 2024.
publicly accessible
Free admission
Local time:
10:31 h (UTC +01:00)
Fair location:
Grashof-Gymnasium,Grashofstr. 55-57, 45133 Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
for trade fair date in Essen
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- < 1000 interested persons
Schloss Cappenberg
59379 Selm, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)2306 978113
Fax: +49 (0)2306 978114
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31. August 2024
19. August 2023
27. August 2022
04. September 2021
05. September 2020
14. September 2019
15. September 2018
09. September 2017
03. September 2016
22. August 2015
30. August 2014
Fair location:
Grashof-Gymnasium,Grashofstr. 55-57, 45133 Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
for trade fair date in Essen
Product groups: au-pair stays, education, high school, internships abroad, language travel, student exchange, volunteer services, work & travel, …
Disclaimer: No responsibility is taken for the correctness of this information. Errors and alterations excepted! Fair dates and exhibition sites are subject to change by the respective trade fair organiser.
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Where does the JuBi taking place?
The JuBi fair takes place in Essen, at the Grashof-Gymnasium.
When is the JuBi taking place?
Visit the JuBi from .
How often does the JuBi take place?
The JuBi takes place annually.
What kind of fair is the JuBi?
The JuBi is an exhibition for Training, Studies and Education.